From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: Captain Trips
(Brace yourselves)

Captain Trips
(Dr. Marcus Aurelius Meadows / Mark Meadows)

Designers Notes:
Welcome to one of the most powerful aces in the Wildcards universe! Captain Trips (named after the late Jerry Garcia), has the ability to transform himself into a number of different forms, or 'friends'. Each of these alternate personalities are potent aces in their own right, although that doesn't mean they will agree with what ever it is the good Captain is involved in.

Mark Meadows is tall and very thin, standing 6'2" and weighing about 160 lbs. He has shoulder length hair and a goatee. He is exceedingly intelligent and is probably the most brilliant biochemist in the world. He is also quite the burned-out hippie. As Captain Trips, Mark wears (in effect) a purple and white Uncle Sam suit, complete with top hat and a flower in the button hole. Each of his 'friends' however, looks very different. It should be noted that Mark has assumed two other forms aside from the five mentioned here. One is the Radical, a youthful blonde-haired man clad only in jeans and wearing a peace medallion. The other was called Monster, stood something like 60' tall and was strong enough to toss around T-72 tanks (and reminded me greatly of the Overfiend...).

Note: Mark is built on a 25 point base, and is presumed to be a 'normal', hence the point total for his INT score.

The Character:

Str		10		0
Dex		9		-3
Con		11		2
Body		10		0
Int		28		26
Ego		14		8
Pre		10		0
Com		10		0
PD		3		1
ED		2		0
Spd		2		1
Rec		4		0
End		22		0
Stun		21		0
Char Total			35
Power Total			29
Total Cost			64

3	KS: 'Counter Culture' Rock 15-
2	KS: Recreational Drugs 11-
3	PS: Biochemist (INT) 15-
1	PS: Shop Owner 8-
3	SC: Biochemsitry 16-
1	SC: Biology 11-
3	SC: Chemistry 16-
2	SC: Mathmatics 15-
2	SC: Organic Chemistry 15-
2	SC: Pharacology 15-
3	Streetwise 11-
1	Trading 8-
3	Scientist 

25	Base
5	DF: 'Hippie' dress and mannerisms
15	DNPC: Sprout (incomp) 8-
10	Psych: Generally lacking in common sense
10	Psych: Shy, tries to avoid overt publicity

(Captain Trips created by Victor Milan, character sheet created by Michael

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *