From: Michael Surbrook[well, I've been a bit busy and haven't been able to get to the last few remaning GURPS Wild Cards adaptions like I wanted. But, I've managed to finish off three more. I know have only 4 more character to write up: Kid Dinosaur, Puppetman, Gerorge Steele and The Whisperer. Personally, I think Puppetman's character sheet is going to be a monster...]Subject: CHAR: Bagabond
(Suzanne Melotti)
Designers Notes: Bagabond is a small woman, standing 5'3" and weighing 100 lbs, with long dark brown hair. Currently, she is a bag lady, having nearly been driven made by the sensation of suddenly receiving the sensory impressions of the millions of animals around her. She dresses in cast off clothing, is dirty, smells bad and lives in the streets. She is almost always accompanied by two cats, a large black male and a smaller ginger female.
The Character: STAT VAL COST Str 8 -2 Dex 12 6 Con 10 0 Body 10 0 Int 10 0 Ego 15 10 Pre 10 0 Com 10 0 PD 2 0 ED 2 0 Spd 3 8 Rec 4 0 End 20 0 Stun 19 0 Char Total 22 Power Total 306 Total Cost 328 COST POWERS & SKILLS 25 EC: Animal Control powers, 0 DCV Concentrate (-1/2) 15 Clairisentience: Sight, hearing, smell, x 16 Range (2400" or 3 Miles), 0 END Must utilize an animal, point of view is controlled by animal's actions (-1/2), 0 DCV Concentrate (throughout) (-1) 45 Mind Control: 12d6, Telepathic, 0 END, 0 DCV Concentrate (-1/2) 35 Mind Scanning: 12d6, 0 END, 0 DCV Concentrate (-1/2) 35 Telepathy: 12d6, 0 END, 0 DCV Concentrate (-1/2) 28 Danger Sense: 15-, General Area, Any normally detectable atatck (requires animals in the local area) (-1/4) 15 Mind Link: Any animal, 0 END, (usually maintained with "The Black", see below) 51 Summon: 128 0 Point Animals, Any small animal (+1/4), 0 END, Animals must arrive under own power (-1), Concentrate: 1/2 DCV (-1/4) 10 Followers: "The Black", a very large black cat, and a ginger female cat 3 AK: New York City 12- 6 KS: Scrounging 15- 9 Shadowing 14- 9 Stealth 14- 3 Streetwise 11- 12 CSL: +4 with Animal Control Powers Disadvantages 100 Base 10 DF: Homeless: poor hygiene and dress 10 Destitue 15 Psych: Shy, avoids almost all human contact 15 Psych: Very protective of "her" animals 178 Experience (Bagabond created by Leanne C Harper, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook) *************************************************************************** * "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * * Michael Surbrook / * * Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT * * Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark * ***************************************************************************