cost char stat In armor str 10 33 12 dex 14 10 con 15 25 6 body 13 13 int 23 8 ego 14 10 pre 20 4 com 18 6 pd 8 21, 8 resistent 5 ed 8 17, 5 resistent 16 spd 4 rec 5 10 end 30 50 ____ stun 26 39 90 6 Elemental Control, Granite armor(10), OIF, -1/4 real armor. 4 1) 2 levels Density Increase, 0 end , always on. 5 2) Life support, self contained, immune to heat/cold, disease, extra Dimensional energies 5 3) 8 rpd, 5 red Armor 6 4) +10 con 5 5) +13 str, 0 end. 75 30 point VPP, elemental powers. Typical powers: 6d6 Cold EB, 6d6 water blast vs pd, 2d6 RKA flame or electricity, Flight Flight usable against others, cone explosion(wind blast), +10 def Armor,(earth) Heatwave NND, 2d6 area effect, 5d5 HtH NND, electricity, 3d6 Ice entangle, +10d6 HtH, only for shockwave when striking earth or rock. Area TK, flood. Swimming, tunnelling, mold(transform) rock, darkness, flash vs sight and or sound, healing: can heal only 1/2 the damage taken, ExtraDimensional Travel, Alter Enviroment. 5 8 mental defense 4 +2 w/ego roll vs mental powers. 5 Discriminating smell 6 microscopic smell, good for tiny concentrations 10 Tracking scent 8 Detect Lie, ranged 3 PS Sculptor 14- 3 KS Toxins 14- 3 Paramedics 14- 3 Oratory 13- Total: 90 char, 75 VPP, 31 EC, 50 Skills= 246 pts.TerraGuard is a charismatic enviromental activist, incidentally from another dimension. In his armor he can duke it out with the most evil of villains, but isn't defenseless without it. His team roles are: Durable, People person, sensor, versatile offense, special movements, and clean up.
Disad Ideas: Hunted, extradimensional villain, (he has Extra-D travel) DNPC, first friend on earth type, romantic Secret or Public ID, 3d6 Stun if in a polluted enviroment per minute. LA bad smog days would do this, gasoline fumes, toxic waste water etc...
Michael Sandy