Value | Attribute | Cost |
10 | STR | 0 |
20 | DEX | 30 |
15 | CON | 10 |
15 | BODY | 10 |
18 | INT | 8 |
21 | EGO | 22 |
14 | PRE | 4 |
12 | COM | 1 |
14 | PD | 20 |
16 | ED | 23 |
5 | SPD | 30 |
6 | REC | 2 |
30 | END | 0 |
28 | STUN | 0 |
Characteristics Cost: 160 |
Cost | Power | END |
15 | 12- Find Weakness | |
3 | Conversation 12- | |
1 | Lang: Italian,native,literacy | |
3 | Lang: Latin,fluent conversation,literacy | |
3 | Paramedic 13- | |
5 | Defense Maneuver | |
10 | 5 Levels: Strike with cane | |
7 | +0 STR Clinging,Linked(-1/2),"to extra Running" | |
22 | 10D6 HA,"a sturdy walking-cane",OIF(-3/4),unbreakable, personal focus,hard to recover,No Knockback(-1/4),x5 Autofire(+1/2) | 3 |
141 | 22" Running,x125 Non-Combat,0 END(+1/2) | 0 |
Powers Cost: | 210 | |
Total Cost: | 370 |
Base Points: 100 | ||
Points | Disadvantage | |
5 | Age, 40+ | |
5 | Distinctive, "Old nun", easily concealable, minor | |
25 | Hunted, "Mysterious nemesis", more powerful, harsh, appear 14- | |
20 | Normal Stats | |
5 | Physical Lim, "Trick back", infrequently, slightly | |
20 | Psych Lim, "Code against Killing", common, total | |
15 | Secret ID, "Sister Francesca Burana" | |
20 | Vuln, "Sonic and Vibration attacks", common, x2 stun | |
10 | Vuln, "Sonic and Vibration attacks", common, x1 1/2 body | |
145 | Old Nun Bonus |
Disadvantages Total: | 270 |
Experience Spent: | 0 |
Total Points: | 370 |