Patriot (Nick McVey) COST SKILLS ==== ====== STR 45 DEX 20 CON 28 BOD 18 6 2 skill levels with block, INT 13 EGO 10 PRE 20 COM 18 grab and strike PhD 10 EnD 10 SPD 05 3 bureaucrat 13- REC 15 END 56 STN 55 cost = 159 3 criminology 12- 3 high society 13- COST POWERS 3 KS: law 12- ==== ====== 2 1 skill level with flight 22 EC - density control ==== 22 (1) 15 PD/15 ED armor 20 22 (2) 15" flight, invisible to sight 30 full life support 5 instant change 5 infrared vision 3 5" swimming 9 +10 STR, 0 END, no figured char, HTH only (-1/4) 3 combat sense 12- ==== 121 200+ DISADVANTAGES ==== ============= 15 secret identity 15 pshych lim: superpatriot (common, strong) 20 code against killing (common, total) 10 overconfidance (common, moderate) 15 susceptibility to Durilium (1d6 per phase) 10 reputation - patriotic superhero 11- 15 hunted by Viper (=, NCI, 8-) ==== 300 Patriot is pretty simple. Stars and Stripes forever. He's an expert boxer, and tough as nails. He is well liked by the general public. -James