From: Michael SurbrookElephant GirlSubject: CHAR: Elephant Girl (human)
Designers Notes:
Elephant Girl (better known as Radha Valeria O'Reilly) is an Indian/Irish
woman, who stands 5'2" and weighs all of 105 lbs. She has a trim muscular
figure, and posses the ability to shapeshift into a full-grown Asian
elephant. Currently, Radha uses this power as part of a circus act,
working with a troupe of 'normal' elephants. Due to her origins, she is
hunted by priests of the Elephant god Gonesh, who wish for her to return
with them to India. Having escaped from their clutches when she was 17,
Radha has no desire to return.
The Character: STAT VAL COST Str 8 -2 Dex 20 30 Con 14 8 Body 12 4 Int 15 5 Ego 13 6 Pre 13 3 Com 18 4 PD 2 0 ED 2 -1 Spd 3 0 Rec 5 0 End 28 0 Stun 23 0 Char Total 57 Power Total 35 Total Cost 92 COST POWERS & SKILLS 10 Wealth 3 Acrobatics 13- 11 Animal Handler (elephants) 15- 2 PS: Circus Performer 11- 5 SC: Veterinarian 14- 4 Lang: English (4), Hindi (native) Disadvantages 50 Base 10 Hunted: Priests of Gonesh (aspow) 8- 5 Psych: Vegitarian 27 Experience (Elephant Girl created by Parris, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook) *************************************************************************** * "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * * Michael Surbrook / * * Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT * * Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark * *************************************************************************** From: Michael SurbrookElephant GirlSubject: CHAR: Elephant Girl (elephant)
Designers Notes:
This is Radha's elephant form. She assumes the shape of a full-grown,
female, Asian elephant. By flapping her ears, she can fly (GMs may want
to put the limitation of "restrainable" upon her flight, but with a 65
STR, I wonder if that's really a limitation). When assuming the elephant
form, Radha absorbs all the available electricity in the local area (up to
several blocks away).
This could be bought in several ways, I decided to go with a Drain since that was the one power that would have the most effect upon PCs and NPCs. A Transformation attack (with a huge Radius of Affect) would also work, the transforming blacking or shorting out of electrical devices.
When returning to human form, her excess masss is dissipated in the form of light energy, causing a brillaint flash. Naturally, the power level for these sorts of effects are very GM dependedent, I used the 'default' of 60 AP for all effects.
The Character: STAT VAL COST Str 65 25 Dex 15 15 Con 30 40 Body 35 40 Int 15 5 Ego 13 6 Pre 25 15 Com 10 0 PD 13 5 ED 8 1 Spd 3 5 Rec 13 0 End 60 0 Stun 67 0 Char Total 157 Power Total 184 Total Cost 341 COST POWERS & SKILLS 33 Growth: 5 Levels, 0 END, Persistant, Always on 7 Density Increase: 1 Level, 0 END, Persistant, Always on +30 STR, +5 Body, +1 PD, +1 ED, +5 Stun, -6" KB, -3 DCV, +3 PER 14' tall, 12,800 lbs 18 Multiform: Radha Valeria O'Reilly (92 points) 22 Energy Manipulation Multipower, Linked to Multiform Activation (-1/2), 1 Recoverable Charge (charges recover by switching Multiforms) (-1 1/4) 2 u 3d6 Drain vs END Reserve, Radius of Effect, Electrical END Reserves Only (-1), 1 Recoverable Charge 2 u 4d6 Flash - Sight, Explosive, No Range, 1 Recoverable Charge 20 1 1/2d6 HKA, Reduced Pentration - tusks 15 Armor: +6 PD, +4 ED 40 Movement Multipower 8 m Flight: 20", END 4 2 m Running: +6" (12" total), END 2 5 Extra Limb: Trunk 3 +1 with All Perception 2 +1 with Smell Percpetion 5 CSL: +1 w/HTH Disadvantages 100 Base 15 DF: Asian Elephant 10 Hunted: Priests of Gonesh (aspow) 8- 5 Phys: Cannot Leap 10 Phys: Limited Fine Manipulation 10 Phys: Mute 191 Experience (Elephant Girl created by Parris, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook) *************************************************************************** * "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * * Michael Surbrook / * * Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT * * Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark * ***************************************************************************