Commander Cody (Super-agent Extraordinare!)

Base Character

Characteristics		Skills	
 18  Str   8		 3	Criminology
 23  Dex  39		 3	Forensics
 13  Con   6		 3	Paramedic
 10  Bod   		 3	Oratory (or Stealth or High Society)
 18  Int   8		 3	Combat Driving
 18  Ego  16		 3	Combat Piloting
 18  Pre   8		 1	FAM/with firearms 
 14  Com   2		 4	Languages (Russian, German)
  4  PD	   		 4	AK:  Common Europe & GM's choice
  3  ED	   		37	Sub-total
  7  Rec		
  4  Spd   7		20	Agents (4, 50 points each)
 26  End		20	Vehicle:  100 points
 26  Stn		10	Wealth
Sub-total 94		
			181 (remainder 94)
Possible Variations:

Super-agent Brick
	Cost	Added	
33  Str  23	15	24	8 PD/ED Armor (tough skin)	
18  Con  16	10	11	Multipower 11 point pool
14  Bod   8	 8	 1	7d6 HA, OIF, ranged, based on act roll
12  PD    5	 5	 1	7d6 HA based on act roll (see below)
12  ED    7	 7	 6	Armor is Hardened
12  Rec   -		 4	Lack of Weakness -4
36  End   -		 5	IR Vision
39  Stn   -		
		45	49
Super-agent Weapons Master

Either using martial arts weapon rules or by constructing a multipower representing various weapons, and buying skill levels with the weapons, the character becomes able to use a plethora of non-powered weapons (as well as firearms, although he rarely uses them). Possibly use a HA with "critical hit" system (see below).

Super-Agent Nick Fury Style

	21	Dirty Infighting Martial Arts
	 3	Streetwise
	 8	Damage Classes
	15	+3 Combat Levels
	13	Boost PD/ED to 10/10
	22	Armor 7 ED/PD, OIF
	19	Energy Blast, OAF, 16 Charges, 8d6 (pistol)

Super-Agent Well Connected

	30	Armor 15 PD/ED, OIF
	30	Energy Blast, OAF, 32 charges, 8d6 (pistol)
	15	3d6 Luck		
	 5	International Police Powers
	 3	Well Connected
	11	ELEVEN different contacts throughout the international
			law enforcement community (and perhaps some on
			the wrong side of the law too).

Super-Agent Punisher

	30	Armor, 15 PD/ED, OIF
	15	+5 with firearms
	49	Multipower, OAF, Pool 60, Cost 38
		Grenade Launcher
Notes on "Critical Hit" Hand Attack

Both hand attacks, while powerful, have a severe "based on activation roll" limitation. Each succeeding die of HA has a lower act roll, the final result being that after a hit is made, a single act roll 15- is made, and as one d6 is added per one point that the act roll is made by. These represent "critical hits" - on occasion an exceptionally well targeted punch or kick will hit a weak spot and do more damage.

The special effect of the ranged hand attack is that Commander Cody is using a missile weapon, an Obvious Accessible Focus. However, since any missile weapon will serve his purposes, the focus is not truly "accessible" and the limitation is taken as an Obvious Inaccessible Focus.

Steven J. Owens | Scratch@Pittvms |