He found it one day: working as a kitchen servant, he was delivering a tray of food to a visiting noble whom he recognized as the lord of the family who had slain his family. He would have slit the throat of the sleeping lord, but was stopped by a Buddhist monk. The monk, named Kenji, saw the anger burning within the boy, threatening to consume him. He persuaded him to forego his vengeange and to come with him, as his student.
Kenji had been a renowned kenshi, or master swordsman of the Kenjutso school. As a way of teaching Shinji discipline, he taught him all he knew of the art of fighting: the Mijin style, which concentrates on leaping and running; the Nito style, which teaches how to fight with two swords; the Suio style, fast and deadly; the Yagyu Shinkage style, which emphasizes caution; and the Muto style, which teaches one to fight without a sword.
He also taught him to replace the hatred of the clan that killed his own with a hatred of injustice; by the time Kenji died, Aoki Shinji had put aside his desire for vengeance and had taken an oath to battle oppression and to bring contentment to others. He roams the land, often disguised as a peasant, a pilgrim, a beggar, battling against oppressive nobility and befriending the innocent, no matter the cost to himself.
18 STR 8 18 DEX 24 15 CON 10 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 13 EGO 6 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 7 PD 3 4 ED 1 4 SPD 12 7 REC 0 28 END -1 27 STUN 0 Characteristics Cost: 71 0 Weapon Groups,Swords/Blades 1 Weapon Groups,Barehand 4 Weapon Bind 4 Martial Block 4 Martial Disarm 4 Martial Dodge 4 Fast Strike 5 Passing Strike 5 Sacr Strike 5 Off Strike 5 Takeaway 0 WF,Swords 2 WF,Common Martial Arts Weapons 1 WF,Off-Hand 1 WF,Thrown Sword 39 13 Levels,tight group 1 Acrobatics 8- 1 Acting 8- 3 Ambidexterity 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Climbing 13- 3 Concealment 12- 1 Disguise 8- 1 Eavesdropping 8- 3 13- Fast Draw 1 High Society 8- 1 KS: Buddhism 11- 1 KS: Cook 11- 1 KS: Kenjutsu 11- 1 KS: Masseur 11- 1 KS: Philosophy 11- 1 KS: Singer 11- 1 Lang: Japanese,native,literacy 1 Lockpicking 8- 3 Paramedic 12- 3 Scholar 3 Sleight Of Hand 13- 3 Stealth 13- 1 Seduction 8- 4 8" Superleap 3 Powers Cost: 129 Total Cost: 200 Base Points: 100 10 Distinctive,"Burning, intense eyes",concealable,minor 10 Distinctive,"Facial scars",concealable,minor 10 Enraged,"Innocents injured",common,occur 11-,recover 11- 25 Psych Lim,"Code of Honor (see below)",very common,total 10 Psych Lim,"Modest",common,moderate 10 Watched,"Oppressive nobility",more powerful,non-combat influence,harsh,appear 8- 10 DNPC,"Various orphans, lovers, friends, innocents, etc.", normal,appear 8- 15 Psych Lim,"Can never refuse a challenge from another fighter",common,strongDisadvantages Total: 100