Who? |
Name: |
Svend Tollak Munkejord |
Position: |
  | What? |
Research interests: |
- Multi-phase multi-component flow and coupling of fluid- and
- Transport and injection of carbon dioxide for storage in order
to mitigate climate change (CCS).
- The level-set method and the ghost-fluid method applied to
electrocoalescence and to heat-exchanger modelling.
- The two-fluid model
- The drift-flux model
- Numerical methods for the above two models. In particular, I have
studied Roe-type methods and the MUSTA method.
Projects: |
Some more is available at:
CO2 Dynamics
BIGCCS. Further, I have been involved in the "summer job" project,
which is primarily aimed at NTNU students who are interested in
getting acquainted with research during the summer
holiday. Sometimes, such summer jobs are continued in the form of
student's projects and master's theses.
  | Where? |
Postal address: |
SINTEF Energy Research, Gas Technology, Kolbjørn Hejes veg 1A,
NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway.
E-mail: | stm [a] pvv.org |
Telephone: |
+47 47 37 80 42 |