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Address: SINTEF Energy Research Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1D NO-7034 Trondheim Norway |
Phone: +47 98 83 75 13 E-mail: halvor (dot) lund (at) sintef (dot) no |
I am currently employed as a researcher at SINTEF Energy Research.
I worked as a PhD candidate at NTNU from September 2010 till September 2013. In June 2013, I submitted my thesis entitled "Relaxation models for two-phase flow with applications to CO2 transport", and I defended the thesis on September 6, 2013. The thesis and thesis defence was approved by a committee consisting of Prof. Rémi Abgrall from the University of Bordeaux, Ass. Prof. Marica Pelanti from ENSTA ParisTech, and Prof. Ole Jørgen Nydal, NTNU.
My main supervisor during the PhD work was Prof. Bernhard Müller at NTNU, and my co-supervisors were Dr. Svend Tollak Munkejord at SINTEF Energy Research and Dr. Tore Flåtten at SINTEF Materials and Chemistry.
From January till August 2012 I stayed at ETH Zurich, collaborating with Prof. Patrick Jenny's group.
Halvor Lund. Relaxation models for two-phase flow with applications to CO2 transport. PhD thesis, NTNU, 2013.
Halvor Lund, Florian Müller, Bernhard Müller, Patrick Jenny. Rankine-Hugoniot-Riemann solver for steady multidimensional conservation laws with source terms. Preprint. Computers & Fluids, Vol. 101, pp. 1--14 (2014).
Halvor Lund, Ludvig Lizana, Ingve Simonsen. Effects of city-size heterogeneity on epidemic spreading in a metapopulation: A reaction-diffusion approach. Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 151, Issue 1–2, pp. 367–382 (2013). PDF arXiv
Halvor Lund. A hierarchy of relaxation models for two-phase flow. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 72, No. 6, pp. 1713–1741 (2012). Online version and Printed version.
Tore Flåtten and Halvor Lund. Relaxation Two-Phase Flow Models and the Subcharacteristic Condition. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS), Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 2379–2407 (2011).
Postprint (Electronic version of an article published in Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied
Sciences (M3AS). DOI: 10.1142/S0218202511005775. © World Scientific Publishing Company,
O. Hammer, D. K. Dysthe, B. Lelu, H. Lund, P. Meakin, B. Jamtveit. Calcite precipitation instability under laminar, open-channel flow. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(20):5009–5021, 2008. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.07.028
Halvor Lund, Florian Müller, Bernhard Müller and Patrick Jenny. Rankine-Hugoniot-Riemann Solver for Multi-Dimensional Balance Laws with Source Terms. Presented at SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering (CSE13), February 25 – March 1, 2013, in Boston, USA.
Halvor Lund and Peder Aursand. Splitting methods for relaxation two-phase flow models. Presented at ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference 2012, April 24–27, 2012, in Aveiro, Portugal. In press, International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation Postprint.
Halvor Lund and Peder Kristian Aursand. Two-Phase Flow of CO2 With Phase Transfer. Presented at Trondheim CCS Conference, June 14–16, 2011, in Trondheim, Norway. Energy Procedia, vol. 23, pp. 246–255, 2012. Postprint Online version
Halvor Lund, Tore Flåtten and Svend Tollak Munkejord. Depressurization of Carbon Dioxide in Pipelines — Models and Methods. Presented at International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT), September 20–23, 2010, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Energy Procedia, vol. 4, pp. 2984–2991, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.208. Postprint.
Berstad, T., Dørum, C., Jakobsen, J. P., Li, H., Lund, H., Morin, A., Munkejord, S. T., Mølnvik, M. J., Nordhagen, H. O., Østby, E. CO2 Pipeline Integrity: A New Evalutation Methodology. Presented at International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT), September 20–23, 2010, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Energy Procedia, vol. 4, pp. 3000–3007, 2011. Postprint
Halvor Lund and Tore Flåtten. Equilibrium Conditions and Sound Velocities in Two-Phase Flows. Presented at SIAM Annual Meeting 2010, July 12–16, 2010, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Last Modified 2014-09-17 22:56